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Hightower Newborn Care Specialists is focused on a TOTAL BABY WELLNESS PROGRAM that integrates infant massage, yoga and spa swim baths set to music to support your baby's sleep, digestion, circulation and brain development. All of these modalities create total wellness in a baby during the early months of life and allows your baby to thrive.
Our services include Newborn Care day/night or 24/7 care when appropriate plus domestic and international travel. Lactation Consultation is offered as well as Infant Sleep Training from 12 weeks (Formula Fed Babies) and 20 weeks (Breast Fed Babies). We do not believe in "CRY IT OUT" methods and know 100% that a baby will sleep through the night naturally based on the number of ounces they consume based on their actual weight, coupled with using the proper soothing techniques + hugs and love. Birth & Postpartum Doula services are available only when hiring a Newborn Care Specialist. We teach parents Dr. Karp's Happiest Baby Soothing Techniques, as well as how to identify a baby's 5 CRIES and then properly soothe them so that you feel empowered.
Look around the website for valuable information on how to stock your nursery in advance of your baby's birth! Contact us if you have questions. We would love to help you during the most beautiful time in your family's life.